Fascia graphic 1 - Download
Download Licenses
A – image size based on DIN A6, 150 dpi – 19,90 Euro
> Used for teaching purposes in presentation slides and in corresponding scripts, which may only be distributed in printed form to the respective course participants in a targeted manner.
B – image size based on DIN A6, 300 dpi – 24,90 Euro
> Used for teaching purposes in presentation slides and in corresponding scripts, which may only be distributed in printed form to the respective course participants in a targeted manner.
> For public use on websites, blogs, Facebook, Instagram or other social media.
The buyer undertakes:
- to clearly mark the acquired image in the view used with FASCIALNET.COM or the copyright of the licensor (essential, if indicated in the image)
- to use only the rights granted in the selected licence model
- to acknowledge that FASCIALNET or the licensors represented, retain all ownership rights to the original works
- notice that these works are protected by copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of FASCIALNET or the licensors represented by them
The buyer is not entitled to:
- change the graphics
- to make the graphic available in any form for third parties or to pass on or sell the image rights to third parties
- for distribution in printed form for commercial purposes, unless this is explicitly covered with the acquired licence